Teaser Tuesday: Inked Expressions - Carrie Ann Ryan
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Carrie Ann Ryan Carrie Ann Ryan

Teaser Tuesday: Inked Expressions

April 25, 2017

Ready for the first #TeaserTuesday from Inked Expressions (Montgomery Ink Book 7)? The book releases June 6th so make sure you’ve pre-ordered!

Everly needed a bucket of coffee, but that probably wouldn’t help her unsettled stomach. She ran her hand over James’s light hair, loving the way he smiled up at her with that adorable little boy smile of his.

“Can we have French fries after?” James asked, his smile turning even sweeter. Even at their young ages, her boys knew exactly what smiles to use to get what they wanted from her. Seriously, how was a mom supposed to say no to those smiles? And though, normally, she might have just braved it and said no to fast food; today, greasy food might be just the thing to make it through the day.

“Maybe,” she answered, smoothing out his hair. Both James and Nathan each had a little cowlick that was completely adorable but refused to bend to her ways.

“Yay! Maybe!”

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