Talon Pack News: Book 5 Title’s Revealed! - Carrie Ann Ryan
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Carrie Ann Ryan Carrie Ann Ryan

Talon Pack News: Book 5 Title’s Revealed!

May 12, 2016

The Talon Pack Continues!

Book 5 will release in 2017 and is called…


This is a special, close to my heart, book that I have been waiting YEARS to write. More information about who it’s about and when you can pre-order on places other than iBooks to come!

And don’t forget, WOLF BETRAYED, Talon Pack Book 4, releases in October 2016!

You can pre-order on iBooks now!


Behind on the series? You can catch up now!

Book 0.5: Wicked Wolf

Book 1: Tattered Loyalties

Book 2: An Alpha’s Choice

Book 3: Mated in Mist

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